Proactive Managed Server Care

Flat-Rate Managed Server Care is a complete, 24x7x365 server monitoring, remediation, maintenance and management solution.

Simplitfy® Proactive Maintenance Plan

Reduce downtime, increase profitability, and make your technology work for you.

Simplitfy® is dedicated to keeping your technology investment up and running smoothly so you can focus on your business. You can relax knowing our partnership with your organization means we take your IT personally, and strive to keep your staff productive with the tools they need to drive your business forward.

Change the way you think about IT with Simplitfy®. Think of us as your Global Sourced IT Department. We strategically optimize and protect your infrastructure while performing day-to-day maintenance that keeps your users from experiencing downtime.

"It's like having your own In-House IT Department."

24x7x365 Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance

Detect and stop IT issues before they affect your bottom line.

Simplitfy® IT Services are built to cover all of your IT support needs, from your employee workstations to your servers, and even other devices on your network that are necessary for your organization's efficiency. By performing regular maintenance and monitoring your systems 24x7x365, we can drastically reduce the amount of downtime your staff experiences.

Our team is always looking out for your business and your goals, and can help you meet your IT needs as you expand. Our proactive maintenance can keep your IT investments running smoothly and our experienced support staff can assist your users with any technology-related issues.

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