What Are The Advantages Of Firewall?
Firewall is a type of wall that prevents hackers from attacking a network. Understanding the advantages of firewall will help you understand how this tool can bring out the best in your business.
- Monitor traffic – The information that travels through a network is in the form of packets. Firewall inspects each of these packets for any hazardous threats. If any chance the firewall happens to find them it will immediately block them.
- Prevents hackers – Hackers on the internet constantly look for computers for carrying out their illegal activities. When the hackers happen to find such computers, they will start to do even malicious activities such as spreading viruses. Firewalls can prevent such intrusions.
- Better privacy – By using a firewall, many of the services offered by a site such as the domain name service and the finger can be blocked. Hence the hackers are with no chance of getting privacy details.
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